Originally released in 2002, Aldhils was a departure for the band. Rather than building songs around concepts, they concentrated on the development and writing. As such, this is their only full-length that wasn't written and recorded as a concept album and it's their most focused and polished work to date.

Track Listing
1. Doing Nothing
2. Old People in the Cemetery
3. Isn’t it Nice?
4. Jennifer Louise
5. The Blank Husband Epidemic
6. Pancakes for One
7. We Are Destroying the Song
8. An Ode to the Nocturnal Muse
9. Predictably Sulking Sara
10. Natalie and Effie in the Park
11. A Question for Emily Foreman
12. Kissing in the Grass
13. Kid Without Claws
14. Death Dance of Omipapas and Sons for You

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