"Released in November 1971, just six months after his solo debut, Rory Gallagher's second album was the summation of all that he'd promised in the wake of Taste's collapse, and the blueprint for most of what he'd accomplish over the next two years of recording. With bass set on stun, the drums a turbulent wall of sound, and Gallagher's guitar a sonic switchblade, it's a masterpiece of aggressive dynamics, the sound of a band so close to its peak that you can almost touch the electricity. Of course, that peak would come during 1972-1973 with the albums upon which Gallagher's reputation is today most comfortably set. Deuce, however, doesn't simply set the stage for the future, it strikes the light that ignites the entire firestorm." -- All Music Guide

Track Listing
1 I'm Not Awake Yet
2 Used to Be
3 Don't Know Where I'm Going
4 Maybe I Will
5 Whole Lot of People
6 In Your Town
7 Should've Learnt My Lesson
8 There's a Light
9 Out of My Mind
10 Crest of a Wave
11 Persuasion

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