The Monkees (Michael Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork) were pulled together in order to star in a successful comedy television show first aired on NBC in 1966. The music for the series had been created by Don Kirschner and throughout the life of the band, many more esteemed songwriters added their input to The Monkees phenomenon, including Neil Diamond.

Head is the soundtrack to the Monkees' only feature film. It only has six songs, the rest of the soundtrack features sound collages assembled by Jack Nicholson, of all people. Head was the last Monkees album to feature all four original members. Guitarist Pete Tork left the band shortly after finishing the album. Although it's a soundtrack and not a regular album it contains some of the Monkees' finest recordings. Especially the two Carole King songs "Porpoise Song" and "As We Go Along" are outstanding. Also Tork's "Can You Dig it" and Nesmith's "Circle Sky" are Monkees classics. Only six tracks on the original album are actually music. The rest of it is soundclips and dialogue; some of it quite entertaining.

Track Listing
Opening Ceremony
Porpoise Song [Theme from Head]
Ditty Diego -- War Chant
Circle Sky
Can You Dig It?
As We Go Along
Daddy's Song
Long Title: Do I Have to Do This All over Again
Swami -- Plus Strings

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