For a decade or so Michael Rabin (1936-72) led a dazzling career as a violin virtuoso. He made his recital debut at Carnegie Hall, New York at the age of 13, and four years later, in 1951, he played with the New York Philharmonic under Dmitri Mitropoulos. He made a deep impression not only on Mitropoulos, but other distinguished conductors, including George Szell and Artur Rodzinksi, as well as his audiences, but constant travel and a crowded schedule brought about a decline in his powers after his mid-twenties. He made a series of concerto recordings for Columbia in 1954-57, issued in mono only, but a slightly later Capitol series appeared in stereo. His only concerto recordings originally issued in stereo are those reproduced here, which were made in May 1960, using Capitols "Full Dimensional Sound" technique.
Track Listing
1. Paganini: Concerto No. 1 in D Major
2. Wieniawski: Concerto No. 2 in D Minor