The Cool School remains the most complex and contradictory album in the June Christy catalog: a collection of children's music crafted without sentimentality or saccharine, it brilliantly articulates the confusion, isolation and yearning that form the core of childhood experience. Equally surprising, the arrangements are the most direct and unadorned of Christy's career, eschewing horns and cotton-candy fluff to focus squarely on her crisp, nimble vocals and the Joe Castro Quartet's driving rhythms. Familiar songs like "Swinging On A Star" and "Looking For A Boy" are stripped of artifice to recapture their innate power and mystery. In short, The Cool School celebrates the intelligence of children and refuses to pander to audiences of any age.

Track Listing
Give A Little Whistle
The Magic Window
Baby's Birthday Party
When You Wish Upon A Star
Baubles,Bangles And Beads
Aren't You Glad You're You
Kee-Mo Ky-Mo
Scarlet Ribbons
Looking For A Boy
Small Fry
Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead
Swingin' On A Star

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