Born in Bogota, Columbia, Puyana was the most important pupil of the great Wanda Landowska, who was single-handedly responsible for the modern revival of the harpsichord. Unerring rhythmic vitality, penetrating scholarship and imposing technical mastery are the characteristics of Puyana's playing. Stokowski wrote to him, "I think you have explored every possibility of the harpsichord, revealing potentialities which no other performer I know has discovered until now."

Track Listing
1. Branle Gay
2. Tombeau de Blancrocher
3. Branle De Montirande
4. Sonata In E Major
5. Sonata In A Major
6. Concerto In D Minor, After Alessandro Marcello: Allegro
7. Concerto In D Minor, After Alessandro Marcello: Andante
8. Concerto In D Minor, After Alessandro Marcello: Presto
9. Les Buffons
10. La Volta
11. Pavana Dolorosa - Galiarda Dolorosa
12. My Lady Carey's Dompe
13. The Primerose - The Fall Of The Leafe
14. The King's Hunt
15. Sonata In D Major

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